Lucca Di Maggio - "Canvas? Maybe one day…"
Studio Homebrand is proud to host:
Lucca Di Maggio - "Canvas? Maybe one day…"
The usage of the street as his work space grants Di Maggio access to a ongoing dialogue with the many passers-by in the streets of New York, Tel-Aviv and Milan. Di Maggio has been "painting in the streets" and meddling with public spaces way before street art (Graffiti) became a legitimate form of expression and dialogue.
The overwhelming of urban spaces by massive billboard plastered with large varieties of ever changing commercial media has brought Di Maggio to the process of "selective curatorship" which takes place outside the conventional galleries and enables him to use massive billboards as his own personal canvases. The Artist was the first to use this technique despite the big downside of using billboards with a high turnover of advertisements and so a painting he worked on for six days maybe taken down after just a couple of days.
On his arrival to Tel-Aviv as a guest of "Inspirational Art Festival" Di
Maggio abandon the massive billboards, turned to the walls of the streets and used them as canvases for his strong figurative and timeless art. The current exhibition is the highlight of the city's inspirations.
Lucca Di Maggio was born in Milan, Italy, 1977. He graduated law school (University of Milan) and graphic design from the "European Institute of Design" also in Milan. Di Maggio held shows in New York, Milan and Vienna among them in Castiel Gallery for Friends of TA Art Museum (TA, 2010) "The Underbelly project" (NY 2010) and the Tel Aviv Biennale (2010).
The exhibition will take place in December 18th, 18:00, 13 Hamehoga st, in Florentine, near Comfort 13 in S. Tel Aviv.
For further information please contact Gil Sagiv- 0544-6639004
REUSE PROJECT 4: REUSE & RESIST! Open Call For Art until Feb. 1st!
What is the ReUse Project? Every year, for the past 4 years, INSPIRE Collective has made a call for art, taken a centralized public building, and installed as much artwork inside & outside as possible, then we open the doors to the public!
Want to get involved this time around? Just keep reading…
There is a better way, no matter what they say! Present-day cities, the world over, have massive percentages of un-used & generally neglected public space. By itself, this fact quickly becomes its own negative social issue & it isn’t a phenomenon, it’s a disgusting norm of all industrialized cities at this point. WE MUST REUSE AND RESIST!!
But how?! Many social issues could be already solved by ReUsing & re-thinking public space. This year, let’s stop talking about it and started getting things done!
INSPIRE Collective would like to extend this call for art around the world, so if you know folks who would like to get involved…We extend the invitation to all creators to participate in ReUse Project 4: REUSE AND RESIST!
If you’re a conscious artist living on this planet and you can creatively relate to the ideas of ReThinking and ReUsing, then this exhibition is for you! Help us to make a positive social statement here in the Middle East & sustainable, independent artists will help to make this necessary statement world-wide. Open call for art ends February 1st.
For participation inquiries, entry submissions, call for art info, etc., please visit:
Also, for INSPIRE Collective past events and more:
Remember, the open call for art ends February 1st.
Mail to:
P.O. Box 4917
Tel Aviv, Israel
Exhibition from the October 23rd to November 27th
Galerie Celal
45 rue St-Honoré (Métro Châtelet)
75001 Paris

Cute as hell... She's the BubbleGirl of my last show in Paris and she was so perfect
that I decided to put her on the cover of the catalogue.

Blog Archive
- C215 Dumpster in Tel Aviv, Israel
- Tel Aviv Street Art / Graffiti
- FOMA & Mr. DiMaggio in S. Tel Aviv
- Chrome SPEZ
- 26 Hand Painted CataloguesThere's one letter missi...
- My Love Letters Show, CELAL GalleryExhibition from...
- JulieCute as hell... She's the BubbleGirl of my la...
- Tribute to DAREAcrylic and spray paint on canvas, ...
- Rubber CandySome images of my last shooting with m...